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Übersetzungen für encouragement im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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en·cour·age·ment [ɪnˈkʌrɪʤmənt] SUBST no Pl

encouragement (incitement)
encouragement (urging)
encouragement SPORT
encouragement (support)
to be a great encouragement to sb
to give sb encouragement

Beispielsätze für encouragement

to give sb encouragement
to be a great encouragement to sb

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

This is the result of the promotion and encouragement of womens education by state and family.
After presenting the result to his peers, he was met with praise and encouragement.
I could never have done my work without his continuous help and encouragement...
It is a means of education, encouragement, and communication.
The two initially communicate via computer, but at the encouragement of the group, she starts hanging out with the gang in person.
His contribution and encouragement at that time was highly appreciated.
As a practical matter, the summit was also conceived as an opportunity for its members to give each other mutual encouragement.
Just as important, it offers encouragement and inspiration.
This intervention may take the form of control, encouragement or direct management.
However, his remarkable career in musicwhich was to span more than half a centurybegan without the full encouragement of his parents.

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