Englisch » Slowenisch

Übersetzungen für expense im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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ex·pense [ɪkˈspen(t)s, ek-] SUBST

1. expense no Pl:

stroški m Pl
izdatki m Pl
at great expense
to go to great expense
at one's own expense
to put sb to the expense of sth

ex·ˈpense ac·count SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The reach of DDD was limited due to the inefficiency and expense of switching equipment, and the limited ability to process records of completed calls.
This combination was selected in order to avoid the expense and complexity of cryogenic storage, and to reduce development costs.
The clothes were mostly tailor-made at great expense, and paid for through weekly installments.
That comes with an annual base salary of $310,000, a monthly non-accountable expense allowance of $416.67 and a $15,000 moving allowance.
My single-biggest expense item in marketing is on the hockey strategy.
This was done by weaklings because a strong man will not assert himself at the expense of the lives of women and children.
This keeps high rise hotels to the east and west of the city, preserving the central skyline at the expense of greater tourist potential.
The complex is said to benefit from war profiteering and the looting of natural resources, often at the expense of the public interest.
Filming is top-notch, with no expense spared to get those special effects.
Many cabin cruisers can be recovered and towed with a trailer and thus easily stored on land, which reduces maintenance and expense.

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