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Übersetzungen für eyesight im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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ˈeye·sight SUBST no Pl

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bad/good eyesight
failing eyesight
to have poor eyesight

Beispielsätze für eyesight

failing eyesight
keen eyesight
to ruin one's eyesight
to have poor eyesight
bad/good eyesight

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

These have powers of thunder, lightning, and earthquakes, as well as the capacity to grant physical health, good eyesight and hearing, and calmness (lines 673692).
Sloths have very poor eyesight and hearing, and rely almost entirely on their senses of touch and smell to find food.
However, he is turned away because of poor eyesight and given an exemption certificate.
They are robust and agile hunters with excellent eyesight.
They also had small eyes, and probably had poor eyesight, similar to that of a mole.
Contemporary studies are undecided but lean towards this man being only short-sighted or having poor eyesight.
During the early years of television there was considerable concerns that long term viewing television could damage one's eyesight due to eye strain.
This did not improve his eyesight, but possibly made it worse.
The baiji has poor eyesight and relies on sonar for navigation.
Care must be taken as mice have poor eyesight and may try to lean too far over an edge and fall.

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