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Übersetzungen für fallow im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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fal·low [ˈfæləʊ] ADJ

1. fallow LANDW (not planted):

to lie fallow

2. fallow (unproductive):


fal·low ˈdeer SUBST

fallow deer
damjak m

Beispielsätze für fallow

to lie fallow

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

If this did not work, they would simply abandon the field to let it be fallow, and find a new spot for cultivation.
The two species present are red deer and fallow deer of which there are 400 breeding stock.
Of the 1.21 square kilometers of private land surveyed, 28.15% was under cultivation, 64.53% fallow, 3.46% was devoted to other uses.
The three-course rotation was an inefficient system, one-third of the land always lying fallow.
La fundamental economic base is agriculture, especially dry, which is grown on a fallow grain, alternating wheat with rye, almonds and vines.
It has been argued that in some localised areas, the risk of transmission to cattle from fallow deer is greater than it is from badgers.
Despite entering a fallow period of architectural design, several structures of note did emerge.
As rail lines pushed further and further into the wilderness, they opened up huge areas which would have otherwise lain fallow.
The grounds of the house are noted for their re-established wildlife, including fallow deer.
In such cases, production usually falls to less than half of its estimated capacity and fertile land lies fallow due to neglect.

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