Englisch » Slowenisch

Übersetzungen für feeler im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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feel·er [ˈfi:ləʳ] SUBST usu Pl

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Caught prey can be felt by owls with the use of filoplumeslike feathers on the beak and feet that act as feelers.
To assess a situation, one should put out exploratory feelers and adopt a perceptive rather than judgmental attitude; conflict resolution skills can be helpful.
Mechanical feelers extending from the corners of the vehicle with brushes on their ends engaged the conductors.
Many gouramis have an elongated, feeler-like ray at the front of each of their pelvic fins.
In the 1950s, cars were often equipped with curb feelers...
Some also clip the feelers above and below the eyes.
It uses the feelers on its front jaw to pin an enemy down or to slice it into pieces.
They are principally distinguished by their tentacles (or feelers).
Sometimes curb feelers are found only on the passenger side of the car, since that is most commonly near the curb when parking.
It has an identifiable head with four eyes, two sensory feelers or palps, and many tentacles.

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