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Übersetzungen für fire wall im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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ˈfire wall SUBST

1. fire wall ARCHIT:

2. fire wall COMPUT:

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

As members were exiting to get in a better position, there was a fire wall that came right out, and they barely escaped out of there.
The walls on all levels adjoining our neighbour have a two-hour fire wall protection.
Of course what they do is put a fire wall between their real estate businesses and the money that is provided to delivered for care.
A fire wall and efforts of dozens of firefighters saved the adjacent building, which also contained dozens of boats.
He mentioned that because there is no internal combustion engine, there is no need for a fire wall to protect passengers.
In this manner, occupancy separations are treated similarly to fire walls which are structurally stable in case of a fire, thus limiting fire-induced building collapse.
Where required by code, the party wall could be a fire wall.
There were no fire walls or fire doors, and only a single staircase extended from the basement to the roof.
Preliminary estimates put the cost at $575,000, including extending two stairwells, modification of corridors, installation of fire walls and installation of a new lift.
Each unit has its own wall, separated by a bit of dead air, and the fire wall goes all the way up to the roof peak.

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