Slowenisch » Englisch

Übersetzungen für five-pointed im Slowenisch » Englisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The obverse bears five interlaced annulets behind a five-pointed star, surrounded by a laurel wreath.
The upper part of the shield was decorated with a five-pointed star and the lower part with the hammer and sickle symbol.
The five-pointed star and the five concentric circles stand for quintessence, meaning the highest form of quality or the most perfect example of creation.
The sepals persist as a black, five-pointed star on the ripe fruit.
Acknowledgement of the input from each school was symbolised by a five-pointed star.
A five-pointed star is at the upper arm of the cross.
They could fly by means of floating five-pointed stars and small cloud banks which are somehow solid enough to stand on.
In the centre of the artifice is a five-pointed star on a red enamelled background encircled by a laurel wreath in green enamel.
In the centre of the artifice is a five-pointed star encircled by a laurel wreath.

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