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Übersetzungen für flagellate im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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flag·el·late [ˈflæʤəleɪt] VERB trans form


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Rather, they may provide an alternative food chain through direct grazing by flagellates, rotifers and ciliates.
Prey such as bacteria and smaller flagellates are ingested through a cytostome, supported by microtubules.
However, they retained their double-placement until the flagellates were split up, and both names are still used to refer to the group.
They nourish on diatoms, unicellular green algae or animal protozoa such as flagellates and ciliates.
It has become clear that bacterial density is mainly controlled by the grazing activity of small protozoans and various taxonomic groups of flagellates.
They are eukaryotic unicellular and aquatic organisms that can be flagellates (motile with flagella), ciliates (motile with cilia), and amoebas (motile by means of pseudopodia).
Since the apical groove varies among species, the scientists used it to indicate differences between the unarmored flagellates.
Their functions range from bacterial photosynthesis (bacteriorhodopsin) to driving phototaxis (channelrhodopsins in flagellates).
Although the cells were first believed to be flagellates, it has since been shown that they are fungi related to the core chytrids.
Reproduction is thought to take place by formation of swarmer cells (formerly referred to as spores), which may be flagellate.

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