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Übersetzungen für flour mill im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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ˈflour mill SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Around 1845 he became a partner in a flour mill business, in which he managed operations of three mills.
He was also a brewer, as were many of the town's leading citizens, and the proprietor of a flour mill.
At that time there was a blacksmith's shop, a general store and a flour mill.
He owned an early flour mill and saw mill that formed the basis of the town.
Wheat, barley and potatoes were grown, with a flour mill operating for several years.
There are three good stores, two churches, a good school-house, a large flour mill, two doctors offices, a blacksmith shop and post-office.
The first flour mill was built in 1855.
In 1850, the flour mill was destroyed by a flood.
The mill operated as a flour mill between 1828 and 1930 and is now restored and open to visitors.
By 1846 it had been converted to grind mustard, annatto and drugs, but by 1874 was a flour mill.

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