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Übersetzungen für fowl im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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fowl <- [or -s]> [faʊl] SUBST

perjad f

ˈguinea fowl SUBST ZOOL

guinea fowl

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Mangroves downstream of the dam were restored after construction and the area is a tourist destination along with a habitat for water fowl.
A large lake with islands dominates the lower part of the park and offers sanctuary to various species of water fowl and fish.
Every man a clean beast, or a clean fowl, according to his household.
Pheasants, peafowl, jungle fowls are important birds of this area.
By the turn of the 20th century, the once natural marshlands teeming with wild rice, and water fowl was all but forgotten.
Bacon, or bacon fat, is often used for barding roast fowl and game birds, especially those that have little fat themselves.
Their predators consist of other fish, kingfishers and water fowl especially mergansers.
The mudflats are an important winter feeding area for estuary birds, wild fowl and waders.
The formation has also been described as resembling that of the comb on the head of a domestic fowl.
There are some in this vicinity which have lately acquired a top-knot, equal to any fowl.

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