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Übersetzungen für fracking im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Some environmentalists promised not to rest until fracking is banned completely.
However, recent studies show that far from being a cleaner bridge-fuel, the loss of methane to the environment through leakage from fracking rigs is considerable.
There are several problems that can occur when focusing on shale gas (fracking).
This is believed to be due to the deep disposal of wastewater from fracking.
Support for fracking was stronger among men, older people, and conservatives.
Northeast is seeking an injunction against the city, to prevent enforcement of its recent ban on horizontal hydraulic fracking.
This is not an issue specific to fracking, it is a concern with every well that is drilled.
As part of the settlement, the family agreed to a gag order preventing them from talking about fracking for the rest of their lives.
All chemicals have to be declared publicly and, increasingly, food additive based chemicals are available to allow fracking to take place safely.
The use of fracking in natural gas exploration is coming under scrutiny, with evidence of groundwater contamination and greenhouse gas emissions.

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