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Übersetzungen für frat-boy im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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frat-boy [Am ˈfrætbɔɪ] SUBST Am

frat-boy UNIV abw:

frat-boy ugs

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

This explains why our heroes have a frat-boy attitude despite their average age of 13.
It holds a high ranking place in the militia of frat-boy-approved accessories, somewhere between plastic sunglasses from jam band concerts and theme party shirts snipped into bro-friendly tank tops.
But, observers say, she rose above the frat-boy treatment to be an assured international player.
Right before us, we watched a couple of frat-boy types in khakis get turned away by the bouncer with the tattoos on his face.
He is described as sarcastic, arrogant and having a frat-boy personality.
These are tiny notes that may indicate the demise of bad boy, laddist or frat-boy culture.
And it appears he's back to his frat-boy behavior, as well.
Fleece hadn't been around all that long when it exploded onto the back of every frat-boy in the country.

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