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Übersetzungen für full board im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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full ˈboard SUBST no Pl Brit

Beispielsätze für full board

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The full board met monthly and sub-committees met quarterly or less frequently.
Many of these offer bed and breakfast or self-catering accommodations, as well as hotel accommodations on a half board or full board basis.
A bonus was awarded for a full board of noughts or crosses, after which each square on the board would be randomised.
In addition to five full board meetings each year, which are open to the public, the board also meets in standing committees.
We'd carry the sheet back to the beginning and walk it through again until the full board was sliced up.
The full board still has to vote on the degree tomorrow.
The subcommittee recommended an action to the full board.
Though not public, the committee meetings are also not always governed by the same rules that shroud in-camera sessions of the full board in secrecy.
The full board meets twice a year to appoint senior officers, approve strategic plans and budgets, and determine international policy.
The committee voted to recommend rejection of the relocation request to the full board.

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