Englisch » Slowenisch

Übersetzungen für funeral parlor im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Slowenisch » Englisch)

ˈfun·er·al par·lour SUBST, ˈfun·er·al par·lor SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Previously, it was housed in a former funeral parlor, with an annex that was a former bar.
The mansion was remained a dominant architectural symbol of the neighborhood and has been used as a prep school for girls, a funeral parlor, and a doctors' offices.
The funeral parlor was filled with weeping womenfolk and stern mobster types.
His widow rented and eventually sold the building to a funeral parlor.
If the death occurs in a hospital, the body is taken to the funeral parlor or home for viewing before the funeral.
It usually begins at a funeral parlor immediately before cremation.
A viewing may take place at the funeral parlor, in a family home or at a church or chapel prior to the actual funeral service.
In terms of asset forfeiture, he offers only the assets linked to the detail's case, leaving out most of the property and the funeral parlor.
There was considerable local controversy over the company's plan to raze the historic home and build new structures, including a funeral parlor and crematorium.
The funeral parlor had to open up three rooms just to accommodate them all.

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