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Übersetzungen für funicular railway im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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fu·nicu·lar [fju:ˈnɪkjələʳ] SUBST, fu·nicu·lar ˈrail·way SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

A similar system of cables is used in a funicular railway.
A number of transport modes were examined, including a funicular railway, chairlift, and an aerial gondola, but all were of limited capacity, affected by weather, and would scar the mountainsides.
The new funicular railway means residents no longer have to climb the favela's 788 steps to reach their homes.
We rode the funicular railway up its steep incline, glimpsing several elegant period houses dotted within the folds of the hill.
Following the 1907 accident, the funicular railway was removed in 1908.
In addition, a funicular railway with three tracks and a rope way have been provided more recently for the comfort of the pilgrims.
The tunnel and the funicular railway has remained closed since then.
The 500m funicular railway operated from 1893 to 1934.
The resort features the highest underground funicular railway in the world up to the skiing area and the highest revolving restaurant in the world at 3,500 m (11,500 feet).
Visitors can get up to the castle by funicular railway from the village.

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