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Übersetzungen für goings-on im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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go·ings-ˈon SUBST Pl

[čudni] dogodki m Pl
[sumljivi] posli m Pl

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

History was not words on a page, not the goings-on of kings and prime ministers, not mere events.
The book follows a down-on-his-motivation reporter at an alternative weekly paper as he tries to get over a failed relationship and investigate some irregular goings-on at the state capitol.
They are interested in the goings-on of the world but choose to remain apart from it.
In weekly secret meetings consisting of corporate personnel, politicians, reporters, public officials, and others, insiders exchange information about the latest goings-on.
Some of his writings describe an imaginary world pieced together from various facts; others portray ordinary village goings-on.
He gets a call from his chief to go investigate goings-on at a haunted house.
It facilitates interaction between the students and industry experts via guest lectures and seminars, with a view to keeping them abreast with the current goings-on in the corporate.
There were reportedly tumultuous goings-on, involving promiscuity by both partners and frequent use of drugs.
There is a dialogical relationship between culture things that have already been selected as rules and precedents and current goings-on of creative work.
The series followed the adventures of 5 kids who try to discover the strange goings-on at the ruined castle across the valley.

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