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Übersetzungen für grafter im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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graft·er [ˈgrɑ:ftəʳ] SUBST Brit sl

garač(ka) n (f)

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

They are grafters, though, tight-knit, on-message and relishing each other's company.
And there will always - always - be the grafters, the fetchers and the carriers, and the people behind the scenes making things happen.
She has not let up a bit in her concentration on the grafters and wrongdoers who happen to be in public office.
It is best done by an experienced grafter, as it is possible to accidentally drive the tool too far into the stock, reducing the scion's chance of survival.
We understand that in the end it is businesses, entrepreneurs, doers and grafters who create growth, not governments.
I suppose the term grafter was coined for players who couldn't do anything especially well.
The bonds were issued and sold and the money pocketed by early grafters.
But we have this habit of clamoring for good governance even as we tolerate grafters and plunderers, thereby keeping our civilization from advancing.
You'll need to ensure your team is balanced, with precocious talent as well as industrious grafters happy to get on with the task at hand.
Carol is depicted as a tough, working-class grafter, fiercely defensive of her four children.

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