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Übersetzungen für grammar book im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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ˈgram·mar book SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

This has made possible to include all four varieties into a new grammar book.
Accent diacritics are not used in the ordinary orthography, but only in the linguistic or language-learning literature (e.g. dictionaries, orthography and grammar books).
A grammar book has been written for the language.
At the time that objection to hopefully became publicized, grammar books relentlessly pointed out the distinction between regrettably and regretfully.
He has published a number of story books, an alphabet book and a grammar book.
In many cases these are just odd words in lexicons or grammar books with an attribution to the original author.
In its alphabet (in primers and grammar books), broad and regular shapes of / share the same position.
An autonomous language will usually have grammar books, dictionaries and literature written in it.
These organizations often create their own dictionaries and grammar books, thus affecting the materials students are exposed to in schools.
The famous blue grammar book, now in its fourth edition, is in use at language schools across the world.

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