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Übersetzungen für grand piano im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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grand piˈa·no SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

She sang alto in the family chorus and alpine yodels, standing behind an open grand piano to achieve an alpine-like echo effect.
In the far corner was a grand piano.
When he finally blows his nose, he throws his handkerchief into the grand piano.
A 19th century grand piano is also in the receiving area complemented by a vintage wooden radio in one corner of the room.
He played the violin, the grand piano and the keyboard all with equal ease and elan.
Other instruments used are grand piano, electric violin and percussion.
The grand piano in the entrance worth an estimated $200,000.
At the same time, a modern 11-metre indoor heated swimming pool was added and other renovations were carried out including of a grand piano.
The new studios were very plush, with grand piano, harp, and room for a full band.
The penultimate scene again depicts the pianist's movements, with score sheets floating above the grand piano on which musical notes are dancing.

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