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Übersetzungen für grass snake im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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Beispielsätze für grass snake

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

One day, his wife slept in the garden, and a grass snake slithered into her womb.
The reptiles include the adder and the grass snake, the slow-worm, which is a legless lizard, and the common lizard.
It includes such encounters as the zombie ferret, lava ankheg, and dead grass snake, and also in-game recipes for ruby blushrose potpourri and firebush spice paste.
It is also referred to as the grass snake.
Adders are found on the common and grass snakes throughout.
The damp woodland ground is also home to a variety of reptiles, which include grass snakes, adders and the common lizard.
The four common reptile species, adder, slow worm, common lizard and grass snake are all found on the site.
There are also hedgehogs, martens, and snakes such as vipers and grass snakes.
Among reptiles are the grass snake, the smooth snake, the common lizard, the common wall lizard and the sand lizard as well as the blindworm.
In the reen the most common species are grass snake, great silver beetle, smooth newt and otter.

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