Englisch » Slowenisch

Übersetzungen für gravely im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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grave·ly [ˈgreɪvli] ADV

gravely ill
to be gravely mistaken

Beispielsätze für gravely

gravely ill
to be gravely mistaken

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Freshwater galaxiid species are gravely threatened by exotic salmonid species, particularly trout species, which prey upon galaxiids and compete with them for food.
He suffered from a stroke in 1901 and spent the rest of his life gravely ill.
The girl's brother takes the news and falls gravely ill.
I go further some will deliver a worse outcome and gravely weaken our system of government.
However, in 1906 she fell gravely ill, and despite receiving the best medical care available at the time, she failed to improve.
In our view, this step gravely endangers the stability and the security of the region.
Hundreds of sailors and soldiers had died and hundreds more were gravely ill, suffering from disease.
While this had little effect on either company, it gravely damaged the independent auto makers.
The following year it became clear that she was gravely ill.
It is gravely concerning that these schools provide alternative medicines such as homeopathy, thus legitimising belief in cures which do not work.

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