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Übersetzungen für ground frost im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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ˈground frost SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The nights will be quite cold with some ground frost and fog and there is also a risk of air frost on some nights.
And with rain showers and sharp ground frost forecast, cover and keeping warm were obviously going to be factors.
And tonight, a light ground frost is expected in some places.
The rain should hold off but there may be ground frost and fog developing and a risk of air frost on some nights.
Further east, much clearer, temperatures 2 or 3c, low enough for touch of ground frost.
It's caused mouse breeding to double as the ground frost which normally freezes their homes at this time of year has failed to strike.
The pattern is similar with ground frost, with on average around 100 days of ground frost in the lowlands and over 140 in the mountains.
Tonight will be cold and breezy with ground frost and temperatures dipping as low as zero.
Temperatures will drop to around just above freezing and ground frost could make driving conditions hazardous.
If we have had an early ground frost, there is a particular smell about the turned fields first thing in the morning.

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