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Übersetzungen für guestimate im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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I . guess·ti·mate, gues·ti·mate [ˈgestɪmət] SUBST ugs

II . guess·ti·mate, gues·ti·mate [ˈgestɪmət] VERB trans to guesstimate sth

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

For the next six weeks, do not guestimate, do not cheat, do not avoid the chore.
It feels like the system tries to guestimate where they might be located when out of sight, but we're not entirely sure what's going on in these situations.
If it's a home phone and it is used for both business and personal you can claim a portion of that and it's based on a log or a guestimate.
Very hard to get to, given all the factors involved, though my own personal guestimate would be less than 0.01 per cent of the annual budget.
It's still a guestimate but it's a better guestimate than it would have been.
We've had to do it all by guestimate.
However, several guestimates put it over 16 feet.
What an irony that of the guestimate 30,000 investors who have lost their money in such schemes, not a single one is ready to file a police complaint!
Many business owners map out some form of business plan at the outset, with goals that are based on guestimates.
We just don't have data to make an educated guestimate.

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