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Übersetzungen für happy medium im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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hap·py ˈme·dium SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Jade, meanwhile, tries to achieve that happy medium between giving in to her parent's wishes and fulfilling her own needs and desires - double happiness.
We think we have a happy medium now for him as a punt returner and continuing to develop as a receiver.
But we chose a happy medium.
A ratio of one part of milk to two of water has been recommended as a happy medium.
There's a happy medium between the two and, hopefully, that will work.
Striking the happy medium of doing enough to make a difference, but also so it's practical in terms of your lifestyle, is the long-term answer.
This type of clothing allowed there to be a happy medium between high and low corsages.
There is a happy medium between hiring a full-service planner and winging it all on your own, and that is the day-of coordinator.
A big obstacle to this is to make the happy medium between a very specific detailed emergency plan and a flexible one to which many disaster events may apply.
However, it appeared to strike a happy medium between simplicity and flexibility, and was rapidly adopted for many other uses.

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