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Übersetzungen für health visitor im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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ˈhealth visi·tor SUBST Brit

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It is advised that the caesarean scar should be healing normally, which should be determined by the health visitor.
The government says it is committed to increasing health visitor numbers.
A further 37 per cent said they listened to a health visitor and 28 per cent said they got tips from friends.
As a follow-up measure, a staff member at the hospital contacted a health visitor, but the health visitor said in the inquiry that she did not receive any contact.
On separate occasions, a health visitor and nursery staff reported concerns about cuts and bruises that he had sustained.
My health visitor said in 20 years she has never known such big twins.
However, the incident results in a visit from a health visitor.
Up to five and school age-a health visitor will be the point of contact.
The health visitor handed one back promising to wait outside and ring the house phone three times.
An early experience of working alongside a senior health visitor was crucial, for she then determined on a career in the community.

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