Englisch » Slowenisch

Übersetzungen für heights im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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height [haɪt] SUBST

2. height (high places):

heights Pl
heights Pl
fear of heights

Beispielsätze für heights

lofty heights
fear of heights
to be afraid of heights
tohave a/no head for heights Brit

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Unlike lemmings, weasels automatically have a floater if they fall from high heights.
To achieve absolute uniformity, every member of the drumline must play with proper stick heights.
These waves reach heights much greater than the original obstruction and so can permit gliders to climb to the stratosphere.
From the heights of his castle he could survey the roads round about from above.
Heights, rivers, swamps, passes, choke points, and natural cover, can all be used in multiple ways.
For the same reason, the heights of these triangles are equal to the hypotenuse times the cosine of the bisected angle.
A problem here arose from spasmodic transient radar echoes at heights of about 60 miles, arriving at a rate of five to 10 per hour.
A scenic valley surrounded by low heights hilltops.
Heights vary from prostrate to 1.5 metres high.
Now, just three months into 2011 and here we are mirroring the events of 2008 with the surplus promising to rise to heights previously undreamed of.

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