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Übersetzungen für high-water im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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high ˈwa·ter SUBST no Pl

high-ˈwa·ter mark SUBST

Beispielsätze für high water

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It is now again possible to enjoy the stream through such activities as fishing, swimming, and during high water, kayaking.
In periods of high water some crossings require fording.
The low water season is then followed by the high water season or harvest season.
Research suggests that high water temperatures are indeed linked to the disease, increasing its incidence and virulence.
Another feature is the high water speed near the mouth (120 km/h).
This is a naturally swampy area with a high water table, and residents have periodic problems with flooding.
It was quite feared in the past because of its high water.
The most affected cities have been the capitals, where there is high water demand.
Excavation was almost impossible due to the clayey soil that was saturated with water owing to a high water table in the region.
At high water the plain and sometimes the town as well can be flooded.

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