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Übersetzungen für human resources im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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hu·man re·ˈsources SUBST Pl

1. human resources + Sg Verb (department):

2. human resources (staff):

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Human resources planning should serve as a link between human resources management and the overall strategic plan of an organization.
Trained human resources, basic facilities and effective networks for control of poaching and trade in wildlife are lacking.
The beautiful natural scenery and rich human resources attract many visitors yearly.
For human resources metrics to be effective, though, they must be the right metrics and aligned with business objectives.
Various aspects or alternate names include social security, social affairs, human resources and welfare.
The administrative section deals with the implementation of internal organization and human resources.
In this position, he was in charge of the administration, finance, strategic planning and human resources matters.
It was established to support international strategies in the spheres of software development and information technology human resources.
An additional 9,000 registrations are taken annually for part-time personal, professional and human resources development courses, workshops and seminars.
This may be physical, financial or human resources, political support, information or ideas.

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