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Übersetzungen für impermanent im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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im·per·ma·nent [ɪmˈpɜ:mənənt] ADJ

impermanent (transitory)
impermanent (transitory)
impermanent (temporary)

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The impermanent work was then allowed to weather and rot away.
A pattern or model that is impermanent; the model-body or astral body, only slightly more ethereal than the physical body.
Any motivation and action that steer us away from such truths as all compounded things are impermanent can result in negative consequences, or bad karma.
Before this time however, all other libraries of the town had been impermanent and with notably sparse collections.
From the point of view of its modes it undergoes birth, decay and destruction and hence impermanent.
These can be large and inhabited but are impermanent.
The motion itself is conditioned and therefore impermanent.
These portraits capture individuals caught in a vulnerable moment, an idea reinforced through the impermanent nature of the medium used.
These students archived about sixty pathfinders and other projects during their administration of the site in hopes of preserving projects housed on impermanent student webspace.
And due to this unstable, impermanent nature of all things, everything we experience is said to have the quality of "duhkha" or unsatisfactoriness.

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