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Übersetzungen für inaccessible im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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in·ac·ces·sible [ˌɪnəkˈsesəbl̩] ADJ

1. inaccessible:

inaccessible (hard to enter)
inaccessible (hard to understand)

2. inaccessible präd (hard to relate to):


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

After a severe storm in 1987 the walkway along the pier was closed and the turret became inaccessible to the public.
The bones of the braincase are largely inaccessible but a small inner ear opening, the "recessus tympanicus dorsalis", is visible.
These spells sometimes put cards into other inaccessible zones.
They were highly intellectual and were inaccessible to most readers.
Unlike the previous games, some locations become inaccessible after certain points.
As of 2010, there had been no commission of inquiry, and all documents about the camp were inaccessible or had been destroyed.
Due to their weak interactions with matter, neutrinos offer a unique opportunity to observe processes that are inaccessible to optical telescopes.
Roads and bridges connecting the city to the outlying villages were inaccessible, as well as electricity, water and telephone lines were cut.
All the other tools, such as the bundled password manager with user saved passwords are also inaccessible.
In the best open form poems, the poet achieves something that is inaccessible through closed form.

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