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Übersetzungen für indefensible im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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in·de·fen·sible [ˌɪndɪˈfen(t)səbl̩] ADJ

1. indefensible:

indefensible (not justifiable) actions
indefensible (not convincing) opinions, arguments
indefensible (not acceptable)
indefensible behaviour

2. indefensible MILIT:


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

While no longer cited when its authenticity became indefensible, the data from this document was not systematically removed from past and present works.
Demolished by heavy gunfire, the ruins of the walls became indefensible.
The insurgents took heavy casualties, were looking at the increasingly indefensible positions, and were pressured by some civilians to stop the hostilities.
That breach of integrity is irresponsible, it is indefensible, and unacceptable to me.
That he was ambitious is self-evident, but it would be indefensible to argue that he had no underlying convictions.
The teacher and cleric considered slavery morally indefensible, but a problem without a clear solution.
This stemmed from a pre-war conclusion that the island was indefensible.
He describes himself as an adamant atheist and considers theist religion to be indefensible.
His argument that he was being required to take place in an event which was morally indefensible fell on deaf ears.
Another possibility is that it was simply a tempting target with many vital supplies but virtually indefensible.

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