Englisch » Slowenisch

Übersetzungen für inform im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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I . in·form [ɪnˈfɔ:m] VERB trans

1. inform (give information):

to inform the police

2. inform usu passive (guide):

II . in·form [ɪnˈfɔ:m] VERB intr to inform against/on sb


Beispielsätze für inform

to inform the police
to inform sb by letter
I beg to inform you that ... form
I regret to have to inform you that ...

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

She continued: if that opinion is misinformed, the solution is not to bow to it, but the solution should be to inform.
Through statistical learning, we pick up on the frequencies and distribution of events in our linguistic environments, which inform language comprehension.
Freak or banal events happen simultaneously, inform each other and poignantly keep the wheel turning.
As in the previous books, the relationships and commingled paths of the various protagonists inform how they react to each other, establishing constant tensions and rivalry.
Newspapers, magazines, blogs, television and film documentaries may use graphic design to inform and entertain.
Follow me brings to you relevant, useful, delightful programs to educate, inform and support you in prayer and reflection.
Each participating country manages its own selection process during the first half of the year, organising a communication campaign to inform all possible candidates about the competition.
Average speed check signage will be used to inform drivers that they are entering an average speed control zone.
However, he refused to allow a party line to inform his opinions.
Project post-mortems are intended to inform process improvements which mitigate future risks and to promote iterative best practices.

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