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Übersetzungen für ink bottle im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Slowenisch » Englisch)

ˈink bot·tle SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The small, dragon-like being has birchbark wings, a gold head, regal ornamentation, a felt costume and little hands placed in front of a miniature ink bottle and book.
So even if they use disposable syringes or fresh gloves, if an artist uses the same ink bottle for several clients, the chances of transmission of the virus increase.
Inside there is a narrow lidded compartment for writing tools with smaller compartments holding two glass ink bottles with metal lids.
Avid communities of pen enthusiasts collect and use antique and modern pens and also collect and exchange information about old and modern inks, ink bottles, and inkwells.
Ink bottles inside the hut froze through those early days, shattering the glass.
This proved to be a boon to ink bottle production, where they succeeded in sharply increasing productivity by closely observing line operations and then automating tasks.
Now a museum where visitors can see the desk and ink bottles used by the genius writer.
Youngsters going to get a tattoo should take care that fresh needle and fresh ink bottle is used.
The archaeologists found lots of ink bottles.
He goes around the back and takes the ink bottle, and tosses it away.

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