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Übersetzungen für innumerate im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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in·nu·mer·ate [ɪˈnju:mərət] ADJ esp Brit to be innumerate


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Being illiterate, innumerate or uneducated almost always condemns one to poverty and poor health.
He also helped the utterly innumerate populace by totting up bills.
It added that vocational training can be lost on the functionally illiterate and innumerate because they don't have the skills to benefit.
There is a generation of children who are traumatised, illiterate and innumerate because they have been taken out of their schools.
How are young people better prepared for it if they are monoglot, innumerate, unscientific and can not spell useful words such as "chlamydia" or "deficit"?
I'm also not a fan of innumerate reporting in general.
Traditional moneylenders often do not have either computers or calculators, and neither do their borrowers, who are often illiterate and/or innumerate.
I wanted my daughter and son, unlike their innumerate mummy, to be taught maths by someone with a degree in maths.
Further, in this age group 26.2% of men and 7.9% of women were illiterate and innumerate.
Bob has been good at deceiving his innumerate followers into thinking that 32 plus 5 equals 39.

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