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Übersetzungen für instalments im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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in·stal·ment [ɪnˈstɔ:lmənt] SUBST, in·stall·ment SUBST

1. instalment (part):

del m

2. instalment:

instalment WIRTSCH, FIN
obrok m
instalment WIRTSCH, FIN
delež m
we paid for the car by/in instalments

Beispielsätze für instalments

we paid for the car by/in instalments

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Instalments were published weekly and contained a single illustration and eight pages of text printed in double columns.
Unfortunately only two of these instalments remain and are reproduced below.
It is the third instalment of the series.
They were not purchasers because they never bound themselves to pay the instalments, but nevertheless they were in a position analogous to purchasers.
Other voice actors from earlier instalments of the series will also return.
Following the initial minute-long advert, further 30-second instalments were aired, each advertising a different financial product.
In the first instalment of the comic strip, he gains the power of speech.
These sold very well, and the instalments were collected and sold as a book, which went into two editions in the year.
Before the final instalment had been published, the novel had already been adapted for the stage.
This event has continually grown since its first instalment in the 1960s.

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