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Übersetzungen für invoke im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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in·voke [ɪnˈvəʊk] VERB trans form

1. invoke (call on):

to invoke God's name

2. invoke (call forth):

invoke memories
obujati [perf obuditi]
invoke memories
invoke memories

3. invoke (petition):

to invoke God's blessing

4. invoke:

(appeal to) to invoke sth
to invoke sth (refer to)

Beispielsätze für invoke

to invoke God's name

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

This would explain the accidents without invoking magic.
Each transaction consists of a client request that invokes a particular method or function on the server and at least one response.
If a collection of objects is piped, the method is invoked for each object in the collection.
Some operations seem to invoke more fear from patients than others.
The same response is invoked from isolated females when brought into contact with urine-soaked bedding from other females cages.
This section should not be invoked in serious matters.
The first issue was whether a reporter was refusing to reveal sources by invoking the shield on moral principle.
First, if individuals have privacy rights, then invoking nothing to hide is irrelevant.
The presence of a planetary object is still invoked in a recent research.
The heat rule was first invoked during the quarterfinal round in 1997.

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