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Übersetzungen für ivory tower im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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I . ivo·ry ˈtow·er SUBST übtr abw form

1. ivory tower (remote place):

Beispielsätze für ivory tower

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Fry's reputation was as an ivory tower liberal who believed that art inhabits a self-contained formal space remote from the vulgar world.
Today, however, that stereotypical ivory tower is an outward looking open-concept room with a welcome mat on the doorstep.
He brought history out of the ivory tower and into people's lives.
New platforms are allowing museums to break free of the confines of the academic ivory tower and engage with their communities like never before.
Academic insularity is colloquially criticized as being ivory tower; when used pejoratively, this term is criticized as anti-intellectualism.
She is far from being an ivory tower scholar, but has succeeded in making her views accessible to both academic and non-academic audiences.
That certainly was not the stereotypical image of the aloof university professor in the ivory tower.
The image of the ivory tower, a colloquial metaphor for academia, sustains the metaphor.
It's not a bunch of academics in an ivory tower.
Climate evangelism was for the longest time just an ivory tower issue that only that one sector discussed.

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