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Übersetzungen für jewels im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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crown ˈjew·els SUBST Pl

crown jewels

jew·el [ˈʤu:əl] SUBST

1. jewel (precious stone):

2. jewel (sth beautiful or valuable):

3. jewel (watch part):

rubin m

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Also, by transplanting the jewels into cloned bodies genetically altered to develop without brains, they can live youthfully forever.
The dragon belongs in its barrow, canny and jealous of its jewels.
Some guests, preferring not to expose themselves on the street while wearing tempting fortunes in jewels and laces, changed into their costumes at this point.
He was suspected of defalcation of money and royal jewels.
He is sometimes represented as corpulent and covered with jewels.
After a couple of days of dead-end leads, a couple is caught trying to smuggle jewels hidden within the child's body.
Jimmy finds the missing jewels inside the radio and sees the car parked outside the house.
The basic structure is made of wood, with gold and silver overlay decorated with filigree, enamel, and over 1000 jewels and beads.
Many crown jewels are kept in a museum setting except when in use, and can be seen by the public.
Why, the jewels in the scabbard are more splendid than the big ruby in his crown!

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