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Übersetzungen für jingle im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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I . jin·gle [ˈʤɪŋgl̩] VERB trans

jingle bells:

to jingle coins
to jingle keys

II . jin·gle [ˈʤɪŋgl̩] VERB intr

jingle bells
jingle coins
jingle keys

III . jin·gle [ˈʤɪŋgl̩] SUBST

1. jingle no Pl (metallic ringing):

jingle of bells
jingle of coins
jingle of keys

2. jingle (in advertisements):


Beispielsätze für jingle

to jingle coins
to jingle keys

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The song was used as the official jingle for the commercials and released as a 7 promo single.
A limited amount of jingles were also added.
He studied to be a high school history teacher and recorded jingles at a local studio.
The joint output avoided mentioning the name of either station; instead full use was made of split jingles.
Band members also spent much time performing television and radio jingles.
This allowed the station to leverage branding, advertising, and jingles.
At the age of two, she began singing jingles she heard on the television and radio.
At 8:00 precisely, just after the news jingle was played, a voice was clearly heard on air whispering time.
The morphology of the mangrove jingle shell depends on the nature of the substrate on which it has settled.
In 1996, the network redid its on-air appearance, with a new logo (incorporating a star), and a three-note jingle.

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