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Übersetzungen für kisser im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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kiss·er [ˈkɪsəʳ] SUBST

Beispielsätze für kisser

to be a lousy kisser

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

But now it's time to discover what kind of kisser you truly are.
These two kissees then go on an all-day/all-night date with the kisser (separately, not together -- this show isn't tacky, you know).
He's still a very good friend and was a very good kisser.
On the set we constantly competed with each other... we played this game to see who was the best kisser.
When they smooch in a greenhouse, she says he's a good kisser.
That's because he knows, just as much as you do, that you only keep him around because he's the best kisser you've ever known.
Bogart later said she was one of the "most potent" kissers he appeared with on film.
Charlotte, looking for a husband, dates an investment banker with an anger management problem, a photographer who gets her into menswear, a bad kisser, and a climax name caller.
Right/wight in the kisser!
She's been maligned as a serial kisser-and-teller, as an entitled rich kid, as a mean girl with a victim complex.

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