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Übersetzungen für kleptomania im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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klep·to·ma·nia [ˌkleptə(ʊ)ˈmeɪniə] SUBST no Pl


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

She struggles in a very human way when she discovers the truth about her origins, and later endures problems with self-harm and kleptomania.
She began to steal smaller things while still a child; she attributed her kleptomania to meningitis she survived at the age of six.
He created a large theoretical corpus which his disciples applied to such psychological problems such as kleptomania.
The same year, he was briefly institutionalized for kleptomania, but was released the following year.
The mood disorder could come first or co-occur with the beginning of kleptomania.
Several types of mania such as kleptomania and pyromania are related more closely to obsessive-compulsive disorder than to bipolar disorder, depending on the severity of these disorders.
It's stated that she's not really evil and is fact quite sweet, but she suffers from kleptomania.
A contemporary social approach proposes that kleptomania is an outcome of consumerism and the large quantity of commodities in society.
Family history data also propose a probable common genetic input to alcohol use and kleptomania.
He was by no means unpopular, but his eccentricities gradually excited considerable remark, particularly as he developed a tendency towards kleptomania.

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