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Übersetzungen für landfall im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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ˈland·fall SUBST

landfall NAUT (first land reached)
landfall (sighting)
kopno n

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Most of its damage was from its first landfall.
However, it continued northwestward and avoided landfall in the state.
By the morning of the hurricane's landfall, 65 shelters were prepared with a capacity of 95,000 people.
Seven hurricanes and two tropical storms made landfall during the season, causing 302 deaths and $5.54 billion in damage.
Only four tropical systems made landfall during the season.
Advanced warning allowed hundreds of people to evacuate ahead of the hurricane making landfall.
The office began preparing for the hurricane one week before landfall, and brought additional staff members to assist with hurricane related duties.
Meteorological recordings near the place of landfall were not available as the small system tracked over a sparsely populated region.

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