Englisch » Slowenisch

Übersetzungen für leavened im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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I . leav·en [ˈlevən] VERB trans usu passive

1. leaven (make rise):

this dough is leavened with yeast

2. leaven (lighten):

to be leavened by sth

II . leav·en [ˈlevən] SUBST no Pl

1. leaven (rising agent):

2. leaven (dough):

kvas m

Beispielsätze für leavened

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

They are usually made with an unleavened dough, but are often encountered leavened.
He called it creative capitalism, capitalism leavened by a pinch of idealism and altruistic desire to better the lot of others.
According to this argument, matzo and its derivatives are neither leavened nor leavenable and therefore are permissible for consumption during Passover.
He exudes a vigorous physicality combined with an air of quiet confidence, leavened by a laconic sense of humour.
Unlike chapatis, naans are slightly thicker, typically leavened with yeast and mainly made with white flour.
Many flatbreads are unleavened made without yeast although some are slightly leavened, such as pita bread.
These are often accompanied by milled sugar, and/or warm milk flavoured with saffron and almonds.: mandige - huge flat leavened pastry.
Hybrids by their gameplay and themes, the games feature serious stories leavened by humor throughout.
The bread is commonly a thin unleavened wafer, but leavened wafers may also be used.
And we've leavened the mix with a light-hearted look at the little things that underwhelm us, from turndown service to neck pillows.

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