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Übersetzungen für lethargic im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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le·thar·gic [ləˈθɑ:ʤɪk] ADJ

lethargic (lacking energy)
lethargic (lacking energy)
lethargic (lacking energy)
lethargic (apathetic)

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The agent worked, but too well: 99.9% of the population became so lethargic that they stopped working, talking and, eventually, eating and moving.
Approximately 50% of affected puppies are lethargic and depressed, as in this case.
Infected amphibians can display a wide variety of symptoms, usually including lethargic and abnormal behavior, convulsions, peeling skin, ulcers, and hemorrhaging; eventually resulting in death.
Some individuals are very aggressive and will strike furiously, while others seem lethargic and do not even attempt to rattle.
For a period after this he became very lethargic and reclusive, numbed by his wife's death.
Influence of lethargic encephalitis on intelligence of children, as determined by objective tests.
Active when young, it becomes lethargic as it grows.
An infant with this condition may be lacking in energy (lethargic) or unwilling to eat, and have a poorly controlled breathing rate or body temperature.
With the lethargic movement too many of them affect, he shows no patience.
At two days old the child became lethargic, hypotonic and difficult to rouse.

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