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Übersetzungen für light pen im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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ˈlight pen SUBST

1. light pen COMPUT:

2. light pen (for reading bar codes):

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Terminals provided data entry capability into mainframes as well as light pen pointing and selection before the mouse was in use.
Note that the light pen input device requires a conventional CRT using a scanning electron beam.
As the tip of the light pen makes contact with the screen, it sends a signal back to the computer containing the coordinates of the pixels at that point.
The light pen itself had a small photoelectric cell in its tip.
Unlike light pens, they are held at a distance from the screen.
First, he used something called a "mouse" -- which would soon displace that other method of graphical input, the light pen.
It emphasized unique audiovisual capabilities of the television set and light pens.
Other uses for the joystick ports include light pens.
The light pen allows the user to draw, to create images and to indicate, on the screen.
The light pen found use during the early 1980s.

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