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Übersetzungen für listener im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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list·en·er [ˈlɪsənəʳ] SUBST

1. listener (in a conversation):

to be a good listener

2. listener:

listener (to lecture)
slušatelj(ica) m (f)
listener (to radio, concert)

Beispielsätze für listener

to be a good listener

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The hosts would also take calls from the listeners.
One fan recorded the song and posted it online, providing listeners with the first taste of the band's new material.
Her goals are to create new channels of media communication and to innovoate the existing system, in an attempt to better reach listeners.
The song asked listeners to pay attention to what children would say as they played.
Sometimes a looper can be producing a majority of the sound that a listener hears.
Politicians often employ multiple pronunciations, even during a single speech, to appeal to a greater number of listeners.
It is a volunteer run organisation and is funded mostly through listener support.
Syndicate achieved a great success with its original compositions among its listeners in a short space of time.
This live performance, which provided the opportunity to enjoy the songs long established in the hearts of listeners.
There is no fixed price for the album, allowing listeners to pay whatever they wish for the album.

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