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Übersetzungen für luminary im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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lu·mi·nary [ˈlu:mɪnəri] SUBST

1. luminary liter (in sky):


2. luminary:

luminary (in an industry)
luminary (in an industry)
luminary (in an industry)
luminary (in film, theatre)
zvezda f

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He also for years wrote the university's citations for the honorary degrees awarded to luminaries at commencement exercises.
He was also connected to musical luminaries of his day, whose opinions he sought out.
Although her skills as a drummer earned admiration from drumming luminaries and peers, she is best known for her vocal performances.
Luminaries from various fields have contributed towards lending it the iconic status it now enjoys.
The world health leaders and top corporate executives attending this invitation-only event have been referred to as global health luminaries.
I was soon deprived of these luminaries by a shower of moist snow which immediately began to fall.
Each day and night (each 24 hours) the machinery made one complete revolution, and the seven luminaries moved their positions around the ecliptic.
In its heyday, the institute had several luminaries as guest speakers.
It also had luminaries from the scientific world, and as members.

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