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Übersetzungen für mantelpiece im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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man·tel [ˈmæntəl] SUBST veraltet, man·tel·piece [ˈmæntəlpi:s] SUBST

Beispielsätze für mantelpiece

she caught her head on the mantelpiece

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Throughout its interior, restrained oak wordwork is preserved in a variety of features including wainscoting, trim around windows and doors, and mantelpieces.
The kitchen table still stands in the parlour and a framed and fading photograph gazes out from the top of the mantelpiece.
She puts a letter on the mantelpiece and leaves.
One of the rooms on the first floor contains a beautiful carved wooden mantelpiece together with wall panelling.
Many original finishes survive, including the plaster, flooring, marble and wood mantelpieces and woodwork such as the walnut balustrade and newel on the main stair.
The monk's discoloured skull has remained on the living room mantelpiece of the house.
The cased images could be set out on a table or displayed on a mantelpiece.
There are large rooms on each side, both with an original carved mantelpieces, moldings and ornamental plaster ceilings and walls.
Most of the interior finishings have deteriorated, but the original wainscoting and a wooden mantelpiece with shelf supported by pilasters.
They may be hung in an eastern window, placed on top of a vase or suspended by a cord (as from the mantelpiece or rafters).

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