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Übersetzungen für marriage vow im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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ˈmar·riage vow SUBST usu Pl

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

They have twice since renewed their marriage vows.
And the two popular marriage vow lines, "in sickness and in health," and "in joy as well as in sorrow" are intertwined and linked to the research, too.
Sam admitted breaking his marriage vows, and has taken responsibility for his actions.
There are solemn promises, such as marriage vows or military oaths.
So "submit" in a marriage could mean persevering during difficult times, often against all odds, and taking the lifelong marriage vow seriously like my parents did.
During the ceremony, each partner in the couple makes marriage vows to the other in front of the marriage officiant.
The marriage vow was celebrated with great fiestas, to which the families, friends and neighbors of the coupe would come.
Other types of promises would include solemn promises which includes marriage vows and military oaths.
Today its inclusion in marriage vows is optional in some denominations.
Going to your boy's place for a wedding right after you broke a marriage vow to his family is the worst idea ever.

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