Englisch » Slowenisch

Übersetzungen für med im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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I . med SUBST

med → medicine:

II . med ADJ

1. med ugs → medical:

2. med → medieval:


3. med → medium:

Siehe auch: medium , medieval , medicine , medical

I . me·dium [ˈmi:diəm] ADJ

2. medium GASTRO:

II . me·dium <-s [or -dia]> [ˈmi:diəm] SUBST

2. medium -s (spiritualist):

medij m

3. medium (nutritive substance):

me·di·eval [ˌmediˈi:vəl] ADJ

medi·cine [ˈmedsən] SUBST

1. medicine no Pl (for illness):

2. medicine (substance):

4. medicine übtr (remedy):

II . medi·cal [ˈmedɪkəl] SUBST ugs

Med [med] SUBST ugs

Med kurz für Mediterranean sea:


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

That has forced med-tech firms to reckon with the hospitals' financial struggles in ways that drugmakers generally don't.
We have found that upper-division students, physicians and medical student alumni contribute greatly to the success of the younger pre-med students.
Med textiles and clothing industrialists are keen to identify and adopt cutting-edge technology to improve performance and quality.
The med-school dropout and one-time ambulance driver went from typist to script girl to film cutter, editor, screenwriter and director who made many good movies within the studio system.
During these four years a student studying pediatric gastroenterology can also take a pre-med course.
Johns's husband had died a month earlier, and she'd been prescribed a sleeping pill and an anti-anxiety med to help her cope.
Tonner began his college career as a pre-med major, attending three different universities.
Through evolution, water striders have developed a unique arrangement of legs which gives them the gliding ability with greatly elongated med-legs.
My parents, who are still waiting for me to quit fooling around with computers, go to med school, and become a radiologist?

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